Daily Horoscope
Daily Horoscope
Leo Weekly Horoscope
Leo Weekly Horoscope
Leo Horoscope from 22 to 28 April, 2024
WORK: You attract congruences your life opening doors to the improvisation. Today it is the day to approach an fresh idea and to begin to journey the business that generate success, abundance, material wealth and sustainable development and by mostly, happiness and justification with yourself. “Without the mirror of the future, the present will seem to you poor, miserable”… The planets are of your side circulating per sufficient time an agreed sky to your flow requirements. The turbid businesses will be options of which you will have to retire, this week can be touched and have dangerous impulses… and will have to put your entire persistence to happen of this situation.

LOVE: The discussions in the relationship will appear of blow and without advance notice, to leave this sinking you will have to resort to a frank, sincere dialog and frees of your deeper feelings and true, that are not any doubt of your real honesty, it speaks to heart gapped and it shows your Interest in living better. In order to leave these complications you will have to use humor and not trying to convince to the other. Mediate: What eternal promise I must make me to obtain the energy of the change?

HEALTH: Feed yourself with moderation to avoid digestive problems. At the present time do not have much creative vital energy, is dedicated to re to organize your legal matters, in the factory, or the office or labor group to be preparation well when new competitive determination appear… to compete in life and to manage to forge your dreams must be in good physical state. Beware and so consume in celebrations and commemorations, events or nocturnal exits, you need your entire energy to not only live the celebrations… The health usually plays to you bad past and that also must to its sudden changes of humor, the body not always can hold your angers.
Daily Horoscope












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